Hooray! "We did it, we did it, we did it did it did it!" (Couldn't resist a Dora reference for Lil Miss. Bigail)
I couldn't be more thrilled. Even his pediatrician was impressed. She walked in our room at the doctor's and was like, "Whoah! What have you been doing? Keep it up!" Even his length has grown. He now weighs 10lbs, .5oz and is 23 3/4 inches long. And I think his head circumference is 41.5cm.
Yay Loch!! Grow baby grow! It's been a long process and it's amazing to think he's almost 10x his birth weight!! Really puts it into perspective when most babies they say triple their birth weight by one year. I'm hoping he'll be triple his coming home weight around his bday. (May 5th)Which would be about 15lbs. (He was 5lbs, 1.5 ounces when he came home August 16th which was the day before his due date!)
Dr. Moore is getting us to check his iron level so that we may be able to stop supplementing him. Woo-hoo! He really hates the taste of it. And the less things I have to give him the better. It's so nice now when we go for his checkup and the nurse asks the routine questions about what medications he's taking to be able to say only a couple of meds he's on rather than the big list he used to be!
This past week Lochlan tried mixed cereal and he really liked it. One minor issue I'm been having is knowing when to try to fit in the veggies or fruits. He needs to have cereal twice a day to grow. I've been trying to give him cereal for "breakfast" and "dinner" and his other foods at "lunch." Dr. Moore said he can have his 4 tbsp of cereal twice a day (no more) and if he wants more food at those times, he can have up to 4 more tablespoons of fruits and veggies. Or was it 5? Oh well that's a long way off anyway! But that I can give it to him like I'm doing. But it's still so strange to me. I wish we could just give him the cereal once a day and that I didn't have to use fortified breastmilk. I'm on my last bag of my milk supply. That really sucks! I'm going to have to start pumping. Blah. I was really lucky to have built up the supply that I did and it lasted this long but I haven't pumped gosh, in a really long time now. Well, I would think since he came home. Hopefully I can fill up those suckers in no time!!
Loch's enjoyed a few time in the exersaucer believe it or not. He's starting to really like it. And he's occasionally been in the jolly jumper although he's not really jumping - more like "hanging" out!
Thursday Lochlan waved for the very first time to my Dad and Mom. It was the coolest thing ever! He pretty much just opened and closed his fingers a few times but he did a few times so we knew it wasn't just a fluke. Soooo neat.
At the beginning of this past week, he had a mysterious sickness. He developed a fever of almost 102f. He was pretty lethargic and wanted to snuggle. He was up every 2-3 hours as a result overnight. Thankfully, it only lasted about 24-36 hours before he was back to normal. Unfortunately, his schedule it still a bit off. He's been waking up a lot of overnight. Yay for me! Praying that sorts itself out real soon and we can all get some more sleep.
To celebrate Lochlan's 10 pound weight we went tobogganing as a family (well Loch was in his sled but certainly wasn't going down any hill!) and then out for supper. It was so much fun and I can't wait to do it again. Really I think we would have been doing it anyway but I'm calling it our celebration cause I said we'd throw a big party when he hit 10 pounds! A party in my head maybe!!!
Anyway, I think that's about all the things that happened this week in terms of milestones and doctor's visits. Miss Abby has a cold so she had to miss her gymnastics class this week. Hoping she's on the mend.
This coming week we meet with Dr. Flavin and fingers crossed we have a plan to wean Lochlan off some more of his puffers.
I will leave you with this thought. I was out with my best friend Friday night and she mentioned that when I was in the hospital when my water was discovered broke (at 21 weeks a 3 days approx) that she overheard the one doctor who was a young woman say to her colleague "I'm so sad for her loss." And that they were saying that only 1 in however many thousands ever make it.