Thursday, December 22, 2011


Whoah. Have it really been almost a month since my last post?! Whoops!

Lochlan is doing amazing! He's taking more steps these days. Getting much braver and a bit of a dare devil as well. He loves to climb things. Leave a stool or even a big box of pop on the floor, and he'll climb it to reach the counter or whatever. He even once climbed the kitchen chair and climbed onto the kitchen table. thanks buddy!

Abby and I enjoyed baking some shortbread cookies together. She had a lot of fun decorating them too!

Lochlan had his first haircut on Tuesday. (Dec 20th) I was tired of looking at his shaggy mullet. Poor thing. I know Rob wasn't a big fan either. So I said, okay, I'm doing it! Dad held him, mom and Abby supervised while I took the scissors and trimmed his hair. Looks SOOO much better! And he was a great sport! Mom took the picture with her camera so I'll have to get a copy of it.

He is also saying some new words. "Baby" being one of them. He'll see a picture of a baby in a book, and point to it and say "baby."  Other words: cracker, bye, hello, truck, Ab

So cute that he calls Abby, Ab!!

He's also getting pretty much every tooth that he still needs all at once. That boy has a mouth full of teeth!!! But he's been handling it like a champ!

Lochlan enjoying a fajita! Such a good lil eater these days!

We're so excited for Christmas. We've managed to get all of our shopping done ahead of time so we don't have to be out fighting the crowds and also have all of the food bought so now it's just a matter of prepping it and tidying up. I feel way less stressed this Christmas. That was my plan. To get everything done ahead of time. I knew that I would be working a lot and I'm even working Christmas Eve 9:30-6 so I have no time to do anything really that day. I just have to wrap a few presents and we're all good to go! Whew!

I took Lochlan and Abby to playgroup Thursday morning. They really enjoy themselves. Lochlan did his first painting! He loved it! It was quite funny - Abby did her painting, Lochlan watched her, then climbed up onto the chair as if to say, hello, it's my turn!! So Tamara helped him with his first painting and I took a few pictures! Granny came to take my place while I went to work.

 Merry Christmas everyone! More pictures and video to come!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

almost walking!

On Friday (November 25th) Lochlan took 2 steps to show off in front of Granny. He's soooo close to walking! He's very eager and I have no doubt that he will be walking by Christmas. Look out world!
And just when we thought we were busy now!!! eek! It's exciting though. It's been a long time coming that's for sure. He's got a bit of a daredevil streak in him. He really loves to climb. I know I've mentioned this in a previous blog but his most recent thing to climb is up on Abby's bed. Good times. So now we can't really play in Abby's room without him crawling up on her bed and being so excited that he all but rolls off the bed!

He accomplished a few more things this week: He got his 9th tooth. (and 10th!) I didn't notice until it was fully in! It is one of his chewing teeth...the bottom right back molar.

And I noticed his 10th tooth poking through a few days ago. His top left tooth that's beside the eye tooth. I would never make a great dentist! I can't even name the teeth! But really I doubt it will matter what tooth came in when,  in the future! Just as long as he gets all his teeth! Which can sometimes be an issue for preemies. Something to do with what happens during childbirth....somethings released....I don't know. I'm trying to search my memory but it seems to be failing me slightly at this moment. I just know that there was a bit of concern when I was doing some research about him having some teeth issues.

Here he is looking pretty handsome in his lil dress shirt and tie! All dolled up for Christmas pictures! You'll have to wait to see the final result!

He has also been saying some more words lately. He said "cracker" and sang/hummed the tune of "Old MacDonald" when he was looking at the book.  He also likes to "sing" along to his bedtime song "Goodnight sweetheart" which is super cute. He babbles through it then leans in and gives me a big kiss! Which is another word he likes to say too: "kiss." And he's been attempting the ABC song too! Love it!

He gets very interested in the lights on the oven and wants to be picked up to see it. Or, I should say, touch it!  Of course he wants to try to touch the lights so if there is a pot on the stove, I'll say "hot" and he says it back.

Other words: "quack quack", "nana" (not said together! ha ha)

Loch's starting to feed himself with a spoon. He is so funny. He'll give this big grin and you can just tell how happy he is to be doing it himself. In fact, sometimes he'll only let you feed him, IF he's holding a spoon too!

Sunday night we decorated our Christmas tree and put up some decorations. Abby totally thought Santa was coming that night. Such a sweetheart. She even got some snacks for Santa: 2 pears, some carrots, and some peas! I told her that Santa wasn't coming that night but she said "mom, mom, mom, it's okay! Santa needs a snack!" So I just left them out and hoped she wouldn't be too disppointed in the morning. Rob explained again before bed that he doesn't come until next month. I'll admit though, she did hang her head for a bit Monday morning and said, "oh, Santa didn't come!" We did make a point of saying that an elf must have come and took the snack to Santa. (when it was gone later)

Rob tried to give some suggestions as to what she should leave for Santa on Christmas eve. He told her he thought we should leave a beer and maybe a turkey sandwich.  She said, "No Dad! 2 pears, carrots, and some peas....and a beer!" Fair enough! Let's see what happens next month!

Yesterday morning we awoke to snow on the ground. (and freezing rain actually) Lochlan seemed pretty fascinated watching the snow fall but he wasn't overly thrilled with his snowsuit and gloves and new boots. I think he felt very restricted so he wasn't outside long. It will make a big difference when he's able to walk for sure. Abby on the other hand was out the door in her jammies pretty much when she got out of bed. She did manage to put on her coat and hat and boots and my gloves. She was all ready to build a snowman right then and there! She came back inside and said "mom, it's all snowy and crunchy! You've got to try this!" 

We ended up having to delay our snowman building for a few hours since Lochlan needed boots. Why I hadn't got them up to this point, I have no idea! When we did finally get to build the snowman, she was in heaven. She just loves being outside. And LOVES the snow. She's been wanting snow for at least a month now! She was a little bummed that the snow was melting this morning. I told her not to worry - that it would be back! She actually said "Mom, do we need to take down the decorations now that the snow is all melted?" Um no...

I managed to capture Lochlan nodding his head the other day. So cute! It's the big grin that accompanies it that makes it that much cuter! Enjoy!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Nod your head!

Lochlan's latest achievement is nodding his head "yes." He has nodded in the past, but this week it's all about nodding yes to questions such as do you want your milk/bottle or my fav - do you want to go for a nap?

He nods his head, I put him down and he's out for at least 2 hours! YES!!!! Nod that head boy! lol

Julie, from infant development came by for a visit on Wednesday. Lochlan has been discharged from the program!!! She left me some sheets to check off for when he gets to 18 months corrected and if there are any concerns to contact her and she'll reopen the file.

He will still go to the special infant clinic for his development in February. This was just an extra program that was offered because he was so early. It was more an at risk program. She said that it is just a matter of time before he starts doing some things. He is showing lots of signs already. He's standing up. He's going up on one knee. He even took one small step last week before falling! So exciting!

Yesterday (Sunday) he started saying "momma."  He had said it a few times in the past but it was more of a random thing. But now it's specific to me! LOVE it!

He nodded his head "no" today too. Usually it's no they master first, but his has been "yes." And I swear he said "cracker" tonight as well as, oh silly me, I forget. But I think it was the letter "k" he repeated back to me while he was in the bathtub.

He totally gets what you say to him. He babbles right along. Or if you say something like "let's go have a bath" he'll go to the bathroom.So incredible.

His hair is growing in quite rapidly too. Soooo time for a haircut. But it's mostly just at the back. You could say he has a mullet! Oh dear! Definitely time for a haircut! Seriously, you can put it in a wee little pony!

Not cool.

Monday, November 7, 2011


I'm in the process of writing a new post....

In the meantime, Abby has been saying and doing some really cute things lately! (when is she not really!?) So I invite you to check out my other blog where I try to keep track of the super cute and fun things she comes out with!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Happy Oxygeniversary!

I was trying to come up with an appropriate title to mark the one year anniversary since Lochlan no longer needed to have additional oxygen to help him breathe. (October 29th - Grandpa Bud's birthday!)

One year.

It seems so long ago and yet not all at the same time. I can still remember the struggle to carry around an oxygen tank and be limited in what we could do or where we could go. Little things that you take for granted such as carrying them around to go get something from a different room, giving him a bath, or going to the store.We couldn't do those things without lugging around the oxygen tank which was very awkward. Or worrying that his nose prongs were going to come out and we wouldn't notice right away. Or worse - they'd come out overnight and he'd just slip quietly away. There were a few times as Lochlan got stronger and older that he did pop the prongs out of his nose. Luckily, we were able to put them back in almost immediately and he was fine.

The prongs would get clogged with mucus if he had a cold and needed to be changed frequently. Which was not an easy feat either. I can still hear his cries as we tried to gently take the tape off his cheeks. No matter how slowly you tried to take it off, it still seemed like we were ripping it off. Poor thing!

Lochlan has come a long way. We all have.

These days he is fighting a cold. Last night was a bit brutal. He woke up around 9pm. (which he has done for the past few nights) I gave him some Tylenol since he wouldn't settle and seemed uncomfortable. It took us almost 2 hours to get him back to sleep. Rob went to try to get a filter for the humidifier. (why I hadn't bought one before now is beyond me!) The store didn't have any so he came back with a brand new humidifier! Bless him!! That did the trick. A few sips of water and some more snuggles and Ventolin and Lochlan settled back in for the night! I was worried that it was going to be a rough overnight too but thankfully he slept through until 7:30am!  He seemed to be feeling much better this morning and was less congested/snotty. Hopefully he is on the mend. I've had a bit of a scratchy throat the past 3 or 4 days. I keep gargling and taking vitamins in hopes that it doesn't amount to anything. Abby has a bit of a nasty cough too. But it's pretty sporatic.

This past Monday, Lochlan had an eye appointment with Dr. Arthur. He said that his left eye is a bit slower to react to light... or something....just not as strong as his right. He's not doing anything yet, but will see him again in 6 months for a full exam. Praying it gets stronger! No more surgery please. Although I think it would probably be covering his eye with a patch or baby glasses. But I don't know. I wasn't at the appointment so I'm just guessing what would have to be done to help - if anything at all!

My iPod is full so I need to transfer and delete phone and videos. Yikes!!! I wish I'd done that all along! It's a bit daunting when you have 3, 360 files to deal with! Most of them are already uploaded to Facebook or the computer but I want to back them up to DVD or USB. So unfortunately I won't be able to take any pics or videos for a bit. MUST GET ON THAT TRANSFER!!!! Holidays are coming  - FAST!!

Anyway, I think that is all for now. Happy Halloween everyone! Have a SPOOK-TACULAR weekend!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Too early for chores?

Lochlan stood up all by himself without pulling up on anything on Saturday. Oct 22nd. I haven't seen him do it yet but Rob, Abby, and Granny can vouch for it. (It may have been on the Friday actually when he first attempted it!)  He's definitely getting close to walking! He also occasionally lets go briefly after he gets himself standing. He stood for about 5 seconds the other day before losing his balance and landing on his bum.

As promised, here are some pics and video from the last week:

Abby and Lochlan playing "store" together at the playground
Diggin' his new hat courtesy of Kerry, Blake & Clara
"I'll take a wood chip please!"

Lovin' each other
Love this pic
And this one too! Playing "Superheroes!" Video to come!

My friend, Kerry came for a visit last week. We had a great time catching up and watching our kids play with one another. It was the first time they had all met. Super cute moments! She was so sad when it came time for them to go home! (as you can see in the picture!)
I have no idea where Abby came up with the game "Jungle World" but she loved playing it with Blake.  Towards the end of the video, Lochlan shows off how he can climb down and up the stairs!

Abby was a little sad as you can see that Blake was leaving! Poor thing!

Look closely!

YES! Cheerio legs! Still have no idea how that happened!
The gang! And Lochlan colouring!

Abby being her hilarious little self! Love her! Mind the messy toy room!

Lochlan helping with the laundry!

Is it too early to start chores?! ha ha

Friday, October 21, 2011

Snuggle monkey

Lochlan  is a bit under the weather these past few days. Something is just a bit off. His two new teeth are taking forever to come up entirely but I don't think that is the issue. He has had a low grade fever but sometimes is happy and content and other times he just wants extra snuggles.

He really gives good snuggles. He wraps his little arms right around your neck and snuggles in. I love it. One of my favourite moments in when I get home after being away for either work or whatever other reason and Abby runs to me and gives me a big hug and Lochlan comes crawling as fast as he can for me to pick him up. And he gives me the best hug too! *sigh*

I weighed Loch last night and if my calculations are correct, he is 18 pounds. It's not a digital scale so it was tough to look down and see while holding him but I know he's at least 18 pounds, if not 19. So I'm going to go with 18 1/2 pounds!!! lol

We'll find out for sure next month when he sees Dr. Moore.

On Monday, he has an appointment with Dr. Arthur. I hadn't for some reason put it in my calendar so I knew he should be having an appointment soon but didn't realize it was for Monday until they called. I am scheduled to work but hopefully Rob can take him as it's a PA day even though he still has to work that day. Or else I'll have to try to switch my shift or get someone else to take him. It'll all work out I'm sure.

I encourage you to check out my other  blog about all the funny things that Abby says as todays post is a good one! Abbyisms

Abby, Rob and I had a special movie night the other day. We watched Beauty and the Beast in 3D. Loving our new TV. And I still love that movie! It's nice that she can sit through an entire movie now. Might have to schedule a movie date at the theatre soon! (when the right one comes along of course)

I've got a few cute pics to post and I'll try to put them up soon. And a video too I think if I remember correctly.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Copycat, Hopscotch & Thanksgiving

Lochlan continues to be a champion! He is so incredible. Sometimes I just look at him and smile. Quite a normal thing to do when you look at your children. But with him, I find it sums up so many emotions and blessings in that smile. I am in awe of him. He has quite the personality. He is mister copycat these days. You say "caw" or "quack" or whatever, and he does it right back! It's hilarious! And the best thing is, he finds it hilarious too! He's like, oh yeah, look at me!!!

He will point to some of his body parts now too when you ask him. Such as his nose, ears, mouth, head. He's also doing the finger over the lips sound. So funny!

And he's quite chatty. I'm sure he's trying to carry on a conversation. Oh, soooo cute: Lochlan said "Poppa" last Thursday. (Oct 6th)

And God bless him, he's finally sleeping consistently through the night! I tell ya, we are blessed! I feel like my days are less tiring and I am more focused and patient! So for all the moms and dads out there that are in sleep deprivation mode - I feel you!!! Hang in! It gets easier.

Abby still occasionally wakes up at some point in the night and comes crawling into our bed. Most nights that happens, we move her right back after a few minutes of snuggle time. But lately, it's been early morning like 5am, so we're okay with her staying snuggled up in our bed for the last hour. This morning I slid out of bed to get ready for work and Abby and Rob were still sleeping and I took a moment to just watch them sleeping. Just a moment - nothing creepy!! I didn't stare at them for 5 minutes or anything!! Just a quick glance and then a smile. Then I heard Lochlan stirring and chatting away probably saying something like, "mommy, I'm awake - come and get me!!"

My family. *sigh*

He loves his giraffe.


Trying to feed himself!

Lochlan popped two more teeth in the past few days. The lower stomach teeth. So he now has a total of 8 teeth! And believe me, he knows how to use them!
*Note: Do not put your fingers in his mouth or they will get bitten!*

I really need to get him a toothbrush because when I try to brush his teeth, he just bites me!!!! (I just use a wet face cloth) I remember being way more proactive and consistent with Abby's teeth when she was 1. I really need to take care of Lochlan's!

Waiting for mommy with Granny.
He looked so big sitting on Granny's knee! Nice lip buddy!

Her new favourite activity: hopscotch!
Thanks Max & Ruby!

Lochlan probably watching 4 Square.
He loves climbing in and out of the chair.

Up, up and away!

He briefly let go the other day and was standing all by himself!

We had a great Thanksgiving weekend. The weather was incredible. So warm and sunshiney. Really made me crave summer again! But I love the fall colours and cooler weather and wearing comfy sweaters and pants. The only downside for the weekend is that it went by too fast! I feel like you visit with your family, but there's never enough time to truly get in a good visit.

The other day, between teaching and going to work at Costco, I had a few hours and met up with my best friend, Danielle and  her two boys, as well as with Abby and Lochlan at one of the parks. The kids had a blast! Running around, playing in the sand, the slides, swings, hide and seek. It was so nice. I love seeing the kids running around with huge smiles on their faces. Makes me happy too. I managed to get a few pictures. Abby was a bit reluctant to get her picture taken but I managed to get a smile out of her by telling her not to smile!!

Don't smile! Don't you do it!
Ta da! Love this pic of her!
Love this pic too! Handsome boy!

Abby keeps talking about Halloween. She wanted to be a princess for the past few months and now she's saying she wants to be a duck! What? A duck? Where did this come from? Hopefully the princess idea will fly because I already have the costume. (Not that she wouldn't get use out of it since she can use it for dressup) Lochlan is going to be a monkey. And I can't wait to show you pictures!!! They are adorable! In the meantime, I'll show you the pic of Abby trying on Lochlan's costume! ha ha
Cheeky monkey!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

100th post!

Thank you for following along on our journey. This marks my 100th blog post. Not bad for starting it not quite a year and a half ago. Although I really do blog in my mind on a daily basis.

Life has been pretty busy lately. Although who I am kidding - it's always been busy. Isn't that just the way it goes.  It's a different kind of busy these days. Juggling family life, supply teaching, and my new job. I love being at home with Abby and Lochlan but it's been nice to get out there. I feel like I'm sort of finding myself again. Not that I ever lost myself but you get in a zone and it's nice to realize that I'm more than just mom.  And believe me I love being a mom.

Thanks to both my parents and Rob's parents for looking after Abby and Lochlan while we are working. We are very fortunate and very, VERY thankful.

Lochlan has been growing, growing, growing, and then growing some more! I swear he's had such a big growth spurt that he skipped a size! I dug out some clothes over the weekend that have been sitting in his closet for a very very long time. (12 months and even some 12-18 months) Well, some of the 12-18 month onesies are not fitting! They are too short in the torso!!!! What???? Come again?  I just bought 9 months jammies and even they are getting close to not fitting. Crazy. So he's busy catching up with growing which I'm totally okay with! But wowzers!!!!

He's been cruising along the furniture quite a bit. In fact, he pretty much doesn't stop! He's learning to crawl down the stairs - let me rephrase that, he's learning to slide down on his belly down the stairs. Which is a bit comforting to know we are slowly on our way to not having to be too on edge when he gets too close to the stairs. He definitely keeps us on our toes though.

Lochlan's also showing off more of his personality. He's starting to flirt and do the squinty eye thing and smile. (where he scrunches up his face and laughs) He loves to laugh.  And he loves to climb!

In fact the other day, he climbed of of his highchair. Yes, good times! Thankfully, he was okay. But his straps were definitely tightened and I refuse to leave him for one minute. (Abby had needed some help in the bathroom)

Speaking of Abby, she is a wonderful three year old. In all the ways that means. She has definitely been challenging and competing for her independence at times. She can go from a full out temper tantrum, to the most loving, hilarious, intelligent, hug-able little girl. She is amazing -tantrums and all. The best part is, she has the ability to recognize her wrongs sometimes and apologize for them. Sometimes without prompting even.  We are blessed.

She actually took a big bite (or three) out of this watermelon!
Cute? I believe so.
This is actually a pillowcase - part of her new sheet set.
And the best blessing of all is how much Abby and Lochlan love each other. So cute. Abby was away for the weekend and she told my mom "Nana, I want to see my buddy, Lochlan."  And when I mentioned to Lochlan, "Ready to go get Abby?" He got so excited and with a big smile and kicking of the feet in his car seat said "yeah!"

Out for our morning stroll.
Abby's newest thing is putting on Lochlan's clothes! And they fit! (Minus the length!)

Abby loves to make silly faces at Lochlan and he loves it too!

I really believe that they will have a very close relationship over the years. (sending a prayer they do too!)
