These days, Lochlan is a happy, healthy three year old that has surprised so many with what he can do. Not me. He is such a joy to be around. He has the best personality - he's funny, polite, loving, energetic, cute, happy, and just full of life. He also is very particular about his clothes, doesn't like to sleep with a blanket or a sheet on, sticks up for himself when his sister tries to boss him around, loves trucks, tractors and diggers, Spiderman and other superheroes, occasionally has a meltdown, pushes up his pants legs and sleeves, wants to be Superman for Halloween, loves to dance and sing, and go to the park and splash pad, finally mastered his bike with training wheels this summer, and is one of the most amazing boys you'll ever meet.
Now that summer is winding down and fall is fast approaching in and with it - cold and flu season, I am a little nervous about his health. I want so bad to protect him and keep him healthy. Who doesn't want that for their child?! For him, his immunity still is not like that of other three year olds. We intend to do our best to ward off any sickness so that he doesn't not need to hospitalized this winter. Twice was enough last winter. His doctor mentioned trying to get him qualified for a special shot that would offer extra protection - gives him extra antibodies I believe. It's different from the RSV shot but he still needs to quality for it. Her argument (and ours) is that is costs way more to look after him in the hospital than it would to get him this shot. (He's been hospitalized every year for RSV/Pneumonia) I haven't heard anything yet so I will be calling her this week to followup. We will also be starting his puffer again starting tomorrow to help get through the cold/flu season. My plan is to also begin essential oil treatments. Friends of ours use them and have amazing results. Thieves, Purification, Peppermint Oil, Lemon Oil and a few others will be our best friends!
Loch recently had a followup appointment with the ear, nose, and throat doctor. Everything is great. There is no need to surgery!!! He had been following him because he consistently had fluid in his left ear but I'm happy to report it has finally drained! No ear tubes needed. No need to remove his adenoids or tonsils at this time either. There is no followup appointment scheduled. If we notice anything or concerned about anything, we are to call for an appointment. How amazing is that!?
In November he will return for a routine checkup for his eyes. Which the last time were given a thumbs up. So incredible.
So that's where we are at in terms of his medical care. Fun wise, we enjoyed our first family camping adventures this summer. It was so awesome to share with one another. It has really been a fantastic summer. Excited for what's to come.
I will leave you with a note I read this morning that was posted to one of the support groups. It comes from the Peek a Boo ICU website. Because I did not write it, please click the link to read it. It brought tears to my eyes.