Tuesday, January 29, 2013

RSV - round two

Because Lochlan was born so very premature (15 weeks early) and because he was on the ventilator for so long, he suffers from Bronchopulmonary dysplasia. (BPD)


This makes him very susceptible to lung infections including the common cold and RSV. (Respiratory syncytial virus)


For the first winter season after he was born, he qualified for an RSV shot called Synagis which gives the body antibodies to fight RSV.

Season one- RSV shot, no RSV.

Season two- did not qualify for the RSV shot. (The government pays for it here in Canada) As a result, he contracted RSV which turned into pneumonia and spent a week in the hospital.

Season three - no RSV shot - ended up with a virus and then picked up RSV. Now here we are again, in the hospital.

Dr. Flavin stopped by this morning for a consult. He said that Lochlan is right in the thick of the RSV and it is just wiping him out. If his fever spikes again this afternoon and he continues to not improve, they may determine it's bacterial and start him on antibiotics.

(His fever had gone up to 102.9 yesterday afternoon and evening but broke overnight.)

Dr. Flavin said he is full of mucus and secretions and it needs to break up and come up. Good times!

So to help with that, he is getting a hypertonic saline nebulizer every two hours for three doses. Then will be switched back to Ventolin.
The saline thing is a mask that is held over his nose and sprays thus smoke into his face. Needs to be held there for 15 mins too)

The resident came in not too long ago and said that in order for him to go home, he needs to be on room air, drinking enough fluids, and not needing the Ventolin as much. (Every 4 hours would be okay for us to do at home)

So now it's a waiting game. Lochlan is very sleepy still and has been asleep since last night apart from asking for water and being woken up for one thing or another.
He's not interested in eating anything.

This morning while his eyes were closed I whispered that I loved him in his ear and that he was so strong and he said this teeny tiny "yeah" and then went back to sleep.

Thank you for your positive thoughts, well wishes and prayers for a speedy recovery.

To quote my best friend: "Dear Lochlan, we know how strong you are. You don't need to keep proving it!"

1 comment:

  1. oh what a sweet heart. Keep fighting it Lochlan! And really why would the govt not have him qualify for the shot. If it's a money issue, how much more expensive is it for him to be in hospital!?
