Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Further weaning! (31 weeks gestation)

Anyone want to volunteer to take my sore throat for me? It's not that bad. Just annoying really. But enough that I don't want to risk going to see my gorgeous little boy. Very frustrating. The nurse was like, if it's just allergies than come in but I know it's not. (which I've never heard of by the way - getting a sore throat with allergies) Abby has a bit of a cough and runny nose so I know my body is most likely fighting that too. FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!!!
I pray it goes away so I can go visit him tomorrow! I don't want to be out like I was that first week for 4-5 days! Guess it's telling me I need to sleep more and rest up.

Good news to share! Lochlan was further weaned today! He's now at assisted 30 bpm on the vent and his morphine is being weaned as well. All in prep for extubation hopefully soon!!! WOO-HOO!!! He is also getting 1ml of breastmilk every 4 hours rather than 6!

I'm so very proud. He is by far a warrior and an inspiration.

**UPDATE @ 11pm**
Lochlan now weighs 1215 grams (2 lbs, 11oz) although today was a non lasix day so chances are his weight will be down again tomorrow. Hopefully not by much. His nurse Kathleen said that he is having a good night. He had his eyes open for a while and was looking around. And his oxygen was between 35-40%. He has a big leak again in his tube. Probably another reason they are prepping him for extubation. (and the reason his O2 needs are a tad higher)

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